First 3 Steps To Build Your Empire

Alexandra Trev
2 min readDec 6, 2022

You know you were made for what people call “delusional dreams”

Not just a fun little project

Not just a thing that keeps you occupied in your spare time

The real thing

The…dare I say it… EMPIRE

Anything less than a revolution/empire/full blown kingdom of your corner of the world

Just doesn’t make the cut

It ain’t it

So you know this, and you continue to work your current gig- the thing that pays the bills, keeps you steady and allllllla dat

But there’s a deeper ache

A pulse

A NUDGE towards that thing that’s calling you for more

A signal that is pointing you in the direction of the empire

A taxi asking you to get in to take you straight to the kingdom

And you don’t know what to do with this nudge

Because most people you know aren’t doing this sort of thing

They don’t dream in the same way (or at least, they’re not talking about it)

Most people are subscribing to the matrix

The “supposed to” job, the “supposed to” trajectory for their future

Which is fine. But that’s not you. Never has been. And you know it

So what do you do about it?

Here’s the first three steps towards building your empire

1. ACKNOWLEDGE the mainstream narratives you are surrounded by (what belief is simply “accepted” by the people/media you’re surrounded by?). Then RECOGNIZE that a lot of these beliefs close the door of possibility. Recognize that many of these mainstream beliefs are rooted in the vibe of “I can’t”

2. ASK yourself where YOU are subscribing to these mainstream beliefs. REALIZE that these are not YOURS- that they are just beliefs you have accepted because it was just the thing that everyone believed. No one’s fault. It’s just the way it was. But now shine a light on where YOU have decided to believe that on some level “I can’t”.

3. CHOOSE to CODE yourself with a NEW belief of “I can”. This takes WORK. Like riding a bike. Like learning to drive. You couldn’t. Until you COULD. Get it?

This is the preliminary protocol for empire expansion

The grunt work- if you will

From here- we build, we scale, we do the damn thing- full video on this HERE

Two ways to dig deeper into the journey:

Tap into this mindset shift of I MF GOT DIS- with my workshop: Find Your Flow: Code Yourself for Inevitable Success. Big hype man energy with one (link HERE).

Go much deeper into untethering yourself from the shackles of “I can’t” and free yourself form repetitive patterns with my 6 week course- BADASS: The Journey of Limitless Power. The Badass is shifting who the f*ck you are by integrating the pain and woe from steps one and two above. Understanding where this inadequacy, fear and apprehension came from, processing it, and turning it into pure gold. We turn old pain into straight up power. Isssaaa processsss, but I got you- more deets HERE

Message me with ANY questions at all

LFG- Your empire awaits

Apply to work 1:1 HERE

